Dear Diana
How was Term 2?
I hope you got better at your fitness Before you kept getting puffed. I hope you improved on the Beep Test and didn't lose your shoe again! I really hope you practised heaps.
How was sign language? Did you learn any more signs? I hope you did, 'cause now you can talk to Lucy and be understood, as well as understanding her. Plus, you can teach your family some signs.
Well, overall, well done, great work and goodbye.
From your good friend,
Letters , Projections , Term 2
What a great term you've had, Diana! I've been impressed with your self directed style of learning and your extremely high level of independence. You have started to grow in your leadership skills and recognising your strengths as a learner.
I am looking forward to seeing you begin to pass on your skills to others and publish your more of your writing on your efolio. Keep up the effort!
I have learnt about and enjoyed learning about how to make an efolio. I learnt how to embed as well. I really enjoyed it because it was so easy. Mr Herring helped me at first, but now I'm a wiz and can do it by myself really quickly ( as long as the computer is fast!!!) Another thing I enjoyed was learning about lots of graphs and when to use them. I already knew about most of them, but I worked out by myself how to use an Area graph and a Stem and Leaf graph. I didn't get that much help from anyone in working out how. I enjoyed it because I had always wanted to learn about them, especially Stem and Leaf.
Next term I want to get better at adding detail in my recounts, because I don't add that much detail. I try to though. The only person who could help me would be myself.
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This is where I walk when we go down to the Manawatu River.