These photos are of our project. The bottom two are of our tri board and the top one is our plants. Going clockwise from top left: Seed Raising Mix; Sand; Mud; Compost.
The thing I enjoyed most about our project was when we got to go to Massey University to see one of Mr Herrings friends about plants.
Our team, consisting of Dionne, Kate and I, were really good at getting our work done, even though we had an occasional fight.
On the matrix, we could get better at nothing, because we think we were expert on everything!!!
Our social action went well. We decide to make a walkway for the school with native trees. When we talked to Mrs Peck about it, she showed us that we already have one, it's just that people don't know about it. So we will probably raise some money to make a proper walkway, not just dirt and grass. We might also try to raise lots of money to make name labels. It could go for years before it is completed, but we will start it.
Photos , Projects , Reflections , Science , Tri Teams

Assessment , Explanations , Science , Term 2 , Writing
In Term 1 I started on level 55 on the basic facts ladder. Withen 5 weeks, I had gone up 3 steps and finished the whole ladder. I can't improve next term because I've finished!!! Helping Alex helped me succeed because I taught myself the answer while helping him.
For spelling, I started on level 30 and went up 3 steps. I am now waiting to be tested on level 33. Nothing has really helped me succeed. Next term, I would probably do stuff at home, not just at school.
Award Courtesy
Your 2nd draft of the 'Oil and Water' explanation showed very clear evidence of the basic criteria, Diana. You have the introduction and conclusion, some good ideas and you've ordered the ideas logically.
I would like to see you structuring your explanation with paragraphs and adding more detail. You could do this by making sure that you've covered many of the WHs.
These are my macro photos I took on camp. The first one is... the carpet in the hall at Camp Highland Home. And the second one is... the edge of my glasses! I learnt that a macro photo is a photo of something close up. I took lots of really good pictures. Next time, I would try harder to get focus before taking the photo.