For reading this term, we have been learning to comprehend. Comprehending is lots of different skills that help you read. Things like visualizing and prior knowledge help you.
My group has been reading The Secret Garden. It is about a girl called Mary. I found it interesting and easy to read because Mary is about my age and sometimes feels quite lonely like me. I would call it a mystery and I like mysteries. You never know what's going to happen.
The strategies that have helped me the most are all of them. I have always used them, but I have improved on all of them. I always have a movie in my head, and lots of questions. I am always using what I already know, and I read between the lines to find clues. I am making predictions and saying what I like and don't like all the time. Eg: In The Secret Garden, I can see Mary talking to the robin. I am wondering whether she will find the garden or not. I am predicting she will. I love all the gardens and wish I was in them.
I need to get better at asking questions. I am always making predictions, rather than just wondering what will happen and waiting to find out.
The books I will read next term will be: fantasy, adventure, mystery, growing up, animal, christian, and maybe a bit of fighting. I want to read them because they hook me in - literally!
You need:
Grapes, any colour, as many as you want
Chocolate, plain milk, dark or white, a big block for 30-45 grapes
What to do:
- Take any stalks off grapes. Put them in a bag in the freezer/fridge for 10-15.
- When the grapes are nearly frozen, put some chocolate in a microwaveable bowl. You need 1 big block for 30-45 grapes.
- Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 1 minute periods. Stir in between. Do this until you have a thin liquid.
- The grapes should be cold, and a little hard. Roll them in the melted chocolate and put onto a plate with baking paper. You can half coat, or fully coat in chocolate.
If this is done correctly, you should have a plate full of grapes with an outer layer of hard chocolate. You don't have to use grapes. You can use other fruits, like strawberries and other berries. You can put toothpicks in for easy and healthy eating.
Food , Procedures , Recipes , Term 3 , Tri Teams
What we did: We made chocolate coated grapes to sell at Market Day.
How we did it: We got the stuff and froze the grapes. Then we dipped them in melted chocolate and put them in the fridge.
Why we did it: We did it because flax baskets were too hard.
We are Group 7.
To get some market research, we went around with our prototype and got people to eat them. We wrote down all the feedback and separated the good from the bad. Then we tried with frozen ones, and got the same people to test them. All of them preferred frozen grapes. Then we had everything we needed, so we did our finished product.
During Market Day, I was working full time. We sold lots of grapes. We had it 4 for $1.00 at first, but then we changed it to 5 for $1.00. Later we made it 6 for $1.00, but then we put it down to 50c for a napkin or a paper cup. It was lots of fun. I really enjoyed seeing people enjoy what we made. Maybe I'll be a checkout operator when I'm older!!!
Market Day , Matrix , Term 3 , Tri Teams
This term, I have achieved ALOT.
1. Handwriting. For Handwriting I have made it neater, and it has improved alot. I need to put more effort into the pictures.
2. Te Reo. For Te Reo, I have learnt more, and I am using it more. I still need to learn more.
3. P.E. For P.E, I have wanted to do it more. I need to try a little harder to do the things.
4. Sign Language. For Sign Language, I have learnt heaps more signs, but I still need to concentrate more.
This is my Te Reo that I did with Samantha.
We are saying:
Sam: How are you Diana?
Diana: I am tired. How are you Samantha?
Sam:I am very hungry.
My next step is to understand what people are saying. (I had to ask Sam what she said)!!!

Lucy, Adam, Diana, Emma and Oliver.
What we did: We got our recipe from LC 14. Then we organized who would bring what. After that we made the play dough. We halved the recipe, but kept putting flour and oil in. Then we mixed it all together.
So what? We halved the recipe, but it was too sticky. We added more flour, but it was too hard. We added more oil, and it was perfect texture!
Now what? There's not much we can do to perfect it anymore, but maybe we could of worked together better, and all contributed. Otherwise, we could make a money making business out of our LADEO PLAYDOE!