Dear Parent / Caregiver

Riverdale School always strives to enhance our ‘connected community of learners’. This is part of our mission statement and we are very pleased at the potential these digital portfolios have for developing the communication between the students, parents and teachers.

I’m hoping that this will spark some rewarding conversations between you and your child. They would really appreciate hearing some feedback and positive praise from you about their learning and progress. You are, after all, their biggest cheerleader! Your child would also appreciate some written comments under some posts, also. They could show you how to do this.

Please email me at if you have any questions. I look forward to your feedback.


You have made some pleasing progress in reading this term. You are now reading at a 13-14 yr old level and have shown an excellent understanding of the scientific method this term.

I hope you have a fantastic holiday!

Mr Herring