What did Sir Ed do?
As you know, he climbed Mount Everest, but that doesn't make him a hero. What he really did was: served people in need; built schools and medical clinics and many more. He was always helping poor people in Nepal. Even though he was a New Zealander, he cared for people around the world.
Where did Sir Ed live/become a hero?
Sir Ed was a New Zealander, but after he climbed Mount Everest, he spent lots of time around the world raising money for poor people, especially the Shepras. When he came down Everest, he went through Khumjung village, the hometown of most of the Shepras. A few years later, an elderly shepra came to him and said "Our children lack education." So that's where he became a hero.
When did Sir Ed become a hero?
Probably when he started raising money for the Shepras. He must have been their hero! Or maybe when he helped build the schools and medical clinics.
Who helped Sir Ed?
His wife Louise and Tenzing. His wife encouraged him and boosted him. Tenzing was always doing the same. Plus, probably the Shepras, by needing him and being so nice to him. No wonder he wanted to help them!
Why did Sir Ed help the Shepras?
Because it was worthwhile, and it gave him more satisfaction than a footprint on a mountain! He also never felt sorry for them and never tried to impose projects on them. There were just to many requests to say no!
How did Sir Ed succeed?
Sir Ed succeeded in climbing Mount Everest, but he also succeeded in being a great person by caring about people and helping them.
Which H.O.Ms did Sir Ed use?
Definitely persistance in climbing Mount Everst, and taking responsible risks. When helped people, he listened with empathy and understanding.
Sir Edmund Hillary was a kind, caring man, who never gave up and thought of others before himself.
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